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Anshul Ruparell

Alumni Spotlight: Catching Up with Anshul Ruparell

CPP Investments tenure:

Joined CPP Investments in 2012 and left three years later to pursue my MBA at Columbia University. I worked out of the Toronto office as a Senior Associate on the Direct Private Equity team.

Famous for:

Trying (and failing!) to keep up with Graham Davies during the Ride to Conquer Cancer.

Current situation:

I am the co-founder and CEO of Properly, a start-up that uses machine learning to enable homeowners to discover what their home would sell for on the open market, with the option to sell directly to Properly and close within as little as five days.
After launching in June 2018, Properly has grown to a team of 25, raised over $25 million from investors, and is buying or selling a home nearly every day.

Can’t stop reading about:

I tend to batch my reading by topic, and recently that’s been guided by whatever I’m focused on at Properly. A few recent batches include coaching and mentorship (e.g., High Output Management, The Coaching Habit, Reboot, Trillion Dollar Coach), scaling organizations and hiring (e.g., Who, Work Rules, The Culture Code), and brand strategy (e.g., How Brands Grow, Building a StoryBrand, This is Marketing).

People aren’t paying enough attention to:

The lack of transparency and innovation in the real estate industry. Selling or buying a home is one of the most meaningful milestones in your life, yet the existing process is complicated, time-consuming and stressful. This limits mobility, and Canadians’ access to the equity they have built up in their most significant financial asset.

Podcast/long read obsession:

I always enjoy listening to Patrick O’Shaughnessy’s podcast, Invest Like the Best. Additionally, one of the most impactful books I’ve read recently is The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt, which dives into why we believe what we do, and how we can more effectively communicate with and understand those who hold perspectives different than our own.

2019 #goals:

To consistently make time to explore the nature around Toronto with my wife (Georgia) and our dog (Beesly), despite the incessant demands of building a start-up!

Favourite guiding principle:

High Performance. Have strong opinions that are loosely held. It is important to put in the work required to have an opinion, but also to always seek alternative perspectives and be open-minded in search of the best ideas.

CPP Investments tenure: Joined CPP Investments in 2012 and left three years later to pursue my MBA at Columbia University. I worked out of the Toronto office as a Senior Associate on the Direct Private Equity team. Famous for: Trying (and failing!) to keep up with Graham Davies during the Ride to Conquer Cancer. Current situation: I am the co-founder and CEO of Properly, a start-up that uses machine learning to enable homeowners to discover what their home would sell for on the open market, with the option to sell directly to Properly and close within as little as five days. After launching in June 2018, Properly has grown to a team of 25, raised over $25 million from investors, and is buying or selling a home nearly every day. Can’t stop reading about: I tend to batch my reading by topic, and recently that’s been guided by whatever I’m focused on at Properly. A few recent batches include coaching and mentorship (e.g., High Output Management, The Coaching Habit, Reboot, Trillion Dollar Coach), scaling organizations and hiring (e.g., Who, Work Rules, The Culture Code), and brand strategy (e.g., How Brands Grow, Building a StoryBrand, This is Marketing). People aren’t paying enough attention to: The lack of transparency and innovation in the real estate industry. Selling or buying a home is one of the most meaningful milestones in your life, yet the existing process is complicated, time-consuming and stressful. This limits mobility, and Canadians’ access to the equity they have built up in their most significant financial asset. Podcast/long read obsession: I always enjoy listening to Patrick O’Shaughnessy’s podcast, Invest Like the Best. Additionally, one of the most impactful books I’ve read recently is The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt, which dives into why we believe what we do, and how we can more effectively communicate with and understand those who hold perspectives different than our own. 2019 #goals: To consistently make time to explore the nature around Toronto with my wife (Georgia) and our dog (Beesly), despite the incessant demands of building a start-up! Favourite guiding principle: High Performance. Have strong opinions that are loosely held. It is important to put in the work required to have an opinion, but also to always seek alternative perspectives and be open-minded in search of the best ideas.
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