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Toronto, Canada (November 20, 2018): CPPIB is embracing a whole range of disruptions and is becoming a disruptor itself.

That was the message today by Canada Pension Plan Investment Board CEO Mark Machin to an audience of 300 at the Canadian Club in Toronto.

Mr. Machin detailed some of the technology, demographic and economic power shifts underway today, from aging populations to artificial intelligence, and how the $366 billion investment fund must consider their long term impact.

Cdn Club Screenshot“Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, the explosion in automation, vast amounts of data, the internet of things, the rise of fintech, the move to autonomous vehicles…the list goes on! At CPPIB, we have an obligation to analyze how these technologies are disrupting specific industries that may affect our investments not only today but decades ahead. 

“Because we are placing enormous bets, sometimes in the billions of dollars, we need to be expert at what I call the implications business…

“Whether we’re embracing disruption or becoming a disruptor our first obligation is to deliver solid financial returns, year-in, year-out. We never lose sight of the most important reality of all…that we are working on behalf of 20 million Canadians. 

“A strong, reliable performance is what will ensure the fund is sustainable for many generations to come.”  

Mr. Machin noted that the fund’s most quarterly results showed 10-year and five-year returns well above the Chief Actuary’s assumptions for his 75-year projections. 


Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) is a professional investment management organization that invests the funds not needed by the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) to pay current benefits on behalf of 20 million contributors and beneficiaries. In order to build a diversified portfolio of CPP assets, CPPIB invests in public equities, private equities, real estate, infrastructure and fixed income instruments. Headquartered in Toronto, with offices in Hong Kong, London, Luxembourg, Mumbai, New York City, São Paulo and Sydney, CPPIB is governed and managed independently of the Canada Pension Plan and at arm’s length from governments. At Sept 30, 2018, the CPP Fund totalled C$368.3 billion. For more information about CPPIB, please visit or follow us on LinkedInFacebook or Twitter.

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Toronto, Canada (November 20, 2018): CPPIB is embracing a whole range of disruptions and is becoming a disruptor itself.That was the message today by Canada Pension Plan Investment Board CEO Mark Machin to an audience of 300 at the Canadian Club in Toronto.Mr. Machin detailed some of the technology, demographic and economic power shifts underway today, from aging populations to artificial intelligence, and how the $366 billion investment fund must consider their long term impact.“Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, the explosion in automation, vast amounts of data, the internet of things, the rise of fintech, the move to autonomous vehicles…the list goes on! At CPPIB, we have an obligation to analyze how these technologies are disrupting specific industries that may affect our investments not only today but decades ahead. “Because we are placing enormous bets, sometimes in the billions of dollars, we need to be expert at what I call the implications business…“Whether we’re embracing disruption or becoming a disruptor our first obligation is to deliver solid financial returns, year-in, year-out. We never lose sight of the most important reality of all…that we are working on behalf of 20 million Canadians. “A strong, reliable performance is what will ensure the fund is sustainable for many generations to come."  Mr. Machin noted that the fund’s most quarterly results showed 10-year and five-year returns well above the Chief Actuary’s assumptions for his 75-year projections.  About CPPIBCanada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) is a professional investment management organization that invests the funds not needed by the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) to pay current benefits on behalf of 20 million contributors and beneficiaries. In order to build a diversified portfolio of CPP assets, CPPIB invests in public equities, private equities, real estate, infrastructure and fixed income instruments. Headquartered in Toronto, with offices in Hong Kong, London, Luxembourg, Mumbai, New York City, São Paulo and Sydney, CPPIB is governed and managed independently of the Canada Pension Plan and at arm's length from governments. At Sept 30, 2018, the CPP Fund totalled C$368.3 billion. For more information about CPPIB, please visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.

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For Further Information:


Darryl Konynenbelt
Director, Global Media Relations 
T: +1 416 972 8389

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