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Our Performance

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Our Performance

Our investment strategy is designed to deliver a well-balanced and globally diversified portfolio that will maximize sustained long-term returns without incurring undue risk.

$632.3 Billion

Fund net assets at March 31, 2024

$62.3 Billion

Fiscal 2024 increase in net assets


Fiscal 2024 net return (nominal)


10-year annualized net return (nominal)

$336.7 Billion

Cumulative net income for 10-year period

$432.4 Billion

Cumulative net income since inception in 1999

Financial Results

Our financial results are disclosed through our annual and quarterly reports. We believe in transparency as the foundation of trust with our stakeholders.

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Actuary and Special Exams Report

Actuary reports are prepared in compliance with the timing and information requirement of the Canada Pension Plan. Special Examination reports assess our financial, management control, information systems and management practices.

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Sustainability of the CPP

The most recent triennial report by the Chief Actuary of Canada indicated that the CPP is sustainable over a 75-year projection period

Projections of the Fund, being the combined assets of the base and additional CPP accounts, are based on the nominal projections from the 31st Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan as at December 31, 2021.

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