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The group leverages fundamental insights from internal subject matter experts who identify mispriced securities across targeted domains of the equity market, which are used to create a market-neutral portfolio of high-conviction investments.

Our Team

The Asia team is comprised of experienced professionals with offices in Hong Kong and Mumbai. Here is a listing of all our senior team members, categorized and searchable by city.

Agus Tandiono Q4f24 387x298 1
Agus Tandiono

Senior Managing Director, Head of Asia Pacific & Active Equities Asia

Guanglei Li 387x298 1
Guanglei Li

Managing Director, Active Equities Asia

Anuj Girotra 387x298
Anuj Girotra

Managing Director, Active Equities Asia

Our Active Equity Holdings

We are invested globally in public and soon to be public companies, as well as securities focused on long-horizon structural changes.
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