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About Us

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About us

Our purpose is to help provide a foundation upon which more than 22 million Canadians build their financial security in retirement.


Recognized globally as an example of sound pension plan management, CPP Investments is guided by an independent Board of Directors, operates at arm’s length from federal or provincial governments, and is managed independently from the CPP itself.

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CPP Investments’ governance has been recognized by many international organizations. Our investment-only mandate ensures we focus solely on maximizing returns and minimizing undue risk to help build a retirement foundation for more than 22 million Canadians.

Our Story

By investing assets of the Canada Pension Plan that aren’t currently needed to pay pension, disability and survivor benefits, we help create retirement security for generations of Canadians.

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Our Leadership

We are united by our responsibility to help sustain the CPP for generations of Canadians and by a commitment to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.

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Our Guiding Principles

Integrity, Partnership and High Performance are the cornerstones of our purpose-driven culture. These Guiding Principles encompass our values and ensure we work together as one team.

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Our Code of Conduct

Our Code outlines ethical behavior and clearly defines how employees of CPP Investments act in all situations.

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