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AI-First: Daphne Koller’s plan to revolutionize drug discovery

Will artificial intelligence find the cure for what ails us? AI pioneer and insitro CEO Daphne Koller is betting it will—at the very least—supercharge the hunt for new drugs. She breaks down her strategy in this Institute Dialogue with Paul McCracken, CPP Investments’ Managing Director Growth Equity and Nadeem Janmohamad, Managing Director Active Equities North America.

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Earnings to test post-pandemic market rally

With valuations to future earnings stretched, a strong showing will be needed to keep the rally going.

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Institute Dialogue: Priti Singh and Diana Scott

CPP Investments’ Senior Managing Director and Global Head of Capital Markets & Factor Investing discusses the current discourse around

The Factor Lens

The Factor Lens

Investors are used to walking a tightrope of risk. But the current landscape of heightened geopolitical conflict, climate change and

{:en} Investors are used to walking a tightrope of risk. But the current landscape of heightened geopolitical conflict, climate change and inflation has made that balancing act harder to pull off. Innovation Unleashed: The Rise of the Total Portfolio Value Approach, a new report from the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association (CAIA), points to the Total Portfolio Approach (TPA) as one way for institutional investors to build more resiliency into their portfolios. CPP Investments was among four institutional asset owners and co-authors of the paper—which also include the Australian Future Fund, New Zealand Superannuation Fund, and Singapore’s GIC. The TPA is defined as “one unified means of assessing risk and return of the whole portfolio,” notes Geoffrey Rubin, Senior Managing Director and One Fund Strategist at CPP Investments. While strategic asset allocation (SAA) seeks to outperform benchmarks, the TPA focuses on the fund’s absolute-return goals. CPP Investments employs a “factor lens” to better capture the underlying drivers that influence the risks and returns of specific asset classes. Investors use different “belief systems” to understand the sources of market returns and risks, say Rubin and Derek Walker, Managing Director and Head of Portfolio Design and Construction who both contributed to the report. CPP Investments believes return-risk factors such as economic growth, rates, and credit spreads are compensated by the markets over longer term horizons. “All investments in our portfolio are assessed through this lens,” added Walker. The relentless focus on justifying every marginal dollar of allocated capital against all other options is a defining differentiator compared with other models The TPA is implemented through the Total Portfolio Investment Framework (TPIF). The TPIF first establishes a prudent and appropriate market risk appetite by using information contained in the triennial review of the Office of Chief Actuary of Canada.  Factor risk and return expectations are then developed, to help determine the mix of factor exposures that maximizes expected return at the risk target. These targeted factor exposures are delivered by a range of investment strategies that reflect the modeled factor exposure and alpha expectations of each.  Private and public investments, debt securities, equities and other investments are all weighed through these factors and must compete for a place in the portfolio. Additional holdings of public market securities are used to rebalance the portfolio to the intended factor exposure targets. “The relentless focus on justifying every marginal dollar of allocated capital against all other options is a defining differentiator compared with other models,” the report notes. The approach isn’t without its challenges and as “we move forward into a less certain world, we will need to continue to evolve our factor-based investment framework,” Walker and Rubin write. But with new risks on the horizon, it’s an increasingly effective way to navigate complexities where other approaches fall short. 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Next Subscribe Thanks for subscribing to CPP Investments Sign up for our latest news, insights, reports and other information about CPP Investments Email address * Please enter valid email id Job title Select Job Title Associate Analyst Consultant advisor Manager/supervisor Government official/regulator General manager/director Board director Chairman/board member VP/SVP/EVP President Partner/Owner/Entrepreneur Parent/guardian C-level other Chief Human Resources Officer Chief Marketing Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Sustainability Officer Chief Digital Officer Chief Technology Officer Chief Operating Officer Educator/professor Student Editor/reporter Other Organization How did you hear about CPP Investments? Select Source CPP Investments alumni CPP Investments employee or board member CPP Investments portfolio company Online search (e.g. Google) Social media Other What news would you like to receive? * News and updates from CPP Investments Latest news from the Insights Institute Consent * By checking here, you are subscribing to receive our newsletters and other similar types of insights and reports by email, and permit CPP Investments to use cookies and similar technologies to analyze your interactions with our emails. Unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the newsletter’s footer. Visit our Privacy Policy for more information. Questions or concerns? Contact us. Please fill in required fields An error has occurred. Please try again later. ShareTweetShare Younger women are closing the gender gap in managerial roles in the U.S. In the U.S., women in the early stages of their careers account for a larger share of managerial roles than ever before. Article March 8, 2024 Five Minutes with Michel Leduc Michel Leduc, Global Head of Public Affairs and Communications, explores evolving industrial policy, concentration risks, and why investors Video January 31, 2024 “Challenge your beliefs”: Investing in times of geopolitical turbulence Over the past several years, Ed Cass has seen first-hand how labour issues, political tensions and technological change have impacted asset Article January 31, 2024 {:}{:fr} Les investisseurs sont habitués de marcher sur la corde raide du risque. Mais le contexte actuel, qui est marqué par l’augmentation des conflits géopolitique, les changements climatiques et l’inflation, rend ce délicat équilibre plus difficile à atteindre. Dans son nouveau rapport (en anglais) intitulé Innovation Unleashed: The Rise of the Total Portfolio Value Approach, la Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association (CAIA) soutient que l’approche du portefeuille global est une façon pour les investisseurs institutionnels d’accroître la résilience de leurs portefeuilles. Investissements RPC figure parmi les quatre propriétaires institutionnels d’actifs et coauteurs de l’article, avec Australian Future Fund, New Zealand Superannuation Fund et GIC, de Singapour. L’approche du portefeuille global est définie comme étant « un moyen unifié d’évaluer le risque et le rendement de l’ensemble d’un portefeuille » indique Geoffrey Rubin, directeur général principal, Stratégie de fonds unique à Investissements RPC. Alors que la répartition stratégique de l’actif vise à surpasser les indices de référence, l’approche du portefeuille global met l’accent sur les objectifs de rendement absolu d’un fonds. Investissements RPC se sert d’une « lorgnette factorielle » pour mieux saisir les moteurs sous-jacents qui influent sur les risques et les rendements des catégories d’actif spécifiques. Les investisseurs quant à eux se tournent vers différents « systèmes de croyances » pour comprendre les sources de rendement et de risque des marchés, expliquent M. Rubin et Derek Walker, directeur général et chef, Conception et construction de portefeuille. Investissements RPC estime que les facteurs de risque et de rendement, comme la croissance économique, les taux et les écarts de taux, sont compensés par les marchés sur le long terme. « Tous les placements de notre portefeuille sont évalués par cette lorgnette », ajoute M. Walker. L’attention portée sans relâche sur la justification de chaque dollar marginal du capital alloué par rapport à toutes les autres options est un élément distinctif par rapport aux autres modèles L’approche du portefeuille global est mise en œuvre par l’intermédiaire du cadre de placement du portefeuille global. Le cadre de placement du portefeuille global établit d’abord une appétence au risque de marché prudente et appropriée en fonction de l’information contenue dans l’examen triennal du Bureau de l’actuaire en chef du Canada. Ensuite, les attentes quant aux facteurs de risque et de rendement sont établies afin d’aider à déterminer la composition des expositions aux facteurs qui maximise le rendement attendu selon la cible de risque. Ces expositions ciblées aux facteurs sont obtenues par le truchement d’un éventail de stratégies de placement qui reflètent l’exposition aux facteurs modélisée et les attentes d’alpha de chacune. Les placements privés et publics, les titres de créance, les actions et d’autres placements sont tous pondérés en fonction de ces facteurs et doivent rivaliser pour obtenir une place au sein du portefeuille. Des placements additionnels dans des titres du marché public sont utilisés pour rééquilibrer le portefeuille en fonction des cibles d’exposition aux facteurs. « L’attention portée sans relâche sur la justification de chaque dollar marginal du capital alloué par rapport à toutes les autres options est un élément distinctif par rapport aux autres modèles », souligne le rapport. L’approche n’est pas sans présenter des défis et, comme « nous évoluons dans un monde moins sûr, nous devrons continuer à faire évoluer notre cadre de placement axé sur les facteurs », ajoutent MM. Walker et Rubin. Or, vu les nouveaux risques qui se profilent à l’horizon, il s’agit d’une façon de plus en plus efficace pour composer avec les complexités que les autres approches n’arrivent pas à gérer. Thanks for subscribing to CPP Investments Sign up for our latest news, insights, reports and other information about CPP Investments Email address * Please enter valid email id Job title Select Job Title Associate Analyst Consultant advisor Manager/supervisor Government official/regulator General manager/director Board director Chairman/board member VP/SVP/EVP President Partner/Owner/Entrepreneur Parent/guardian C-level other Chief Human Resources Officer Chief Marketing Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Sustainability Officer Chief Digital Officer Chief Technology Officer Chief Operating Officer Educator/professor Student Editor/reporter Other Organization How did you hear about CPP Investments? 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Next Subscribe Thanks for subscribing to CPP Investments Sign up for our latest news, insights, reports and other information about CPP Investments Email address * Please enter valid email id Job title Select Job Title Associate Analyst Consultant advisor Manager/supervisor Government official/regulator General manager/director Board director Chairman/board member VP/SVP/EVP President Partner/Owner/Entrepreneur Parent/guardian C-level other Chief Human Resources Officer Chief Marketing Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Sustainability Officer Chief Digital Officer Chief Technology Officer Chief Operating Officer Educator/professor Student Editor/reporter Other Organization How did you hear about CPP Investments? 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Article March 8, 2024 Five Minutes with Michel Leduc Michel Leduc, Global Head of Public Affairs and Communications, explores evolving industrial policy, concentration risks, and why investors Video January 31, 2024 “Challenge your beliefs”: Investing in times of geopolitical turbulence Over the past several years, Ed Cass has seen first-hand how labour issues, political tensions and technological change have impacted asset Article January 31, 2024 {:}
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