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CPPIB tenure:

I joined CPP Investments in 2009 and spent 7 years as a Portfolio Manager on the Global Tactical Asset Allocation Team, based in Toronto.

Famous for:

Early morning, late night, and weekend coding sessions.  Also, for borrowing everyone’s computer to run model calculations. Of course, they used the term “hijacking” rather than “borrowing.”

Current situation:

Senior Vice President and Co-Lead of the Multi-Asset Strategies Team at Mackenzie Investments which is a member of IGM Financial Inc.

Can’t stop reading about:

The ongoing transformation in emerging markets, especially in India, driven by evolutions in globalization, trade, regulation, and geopolitical pressures.

Also, the complications of running professional sports in this environment and how the media continues to underestimate the Toronto Raptors.

People aren’t paying enough attention to:

Global regulatory trends and pressures around privacy and big data. More people should consider how that will impact the economy, as well as national security interests for the leaders in artificial intelligence.

Podcast/Long read obsession:

I just started the podcast, Hardcore History by Dan Carlin (thanks Jeff, another CPPIB alum).  Also, as a function of our times, The Dose with Dr. Brian Goldman which is one of the many good CBC radio podcasts.

2020 #Goals:

Enjoy time with my family.  We have a 4 and a 6-year-old and it’s a great age. The kids get excited about things we take for granted and witnessing that sense of discovery is amazing.

Also, looking to adjust my routine and introduce more outdoor exercises. Biking, hiking, canoeing, anything to get a little more sun.

Favourite Guiding Principle and why:

Partnership, because long-term success can only be achieved with repeated success and partnership is key to not only have success now, but also in the future.

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CPPIB tenure: I joined CPP Investments in 2009 and spent 7 years as a Portfolio Manager on the Global Tactical Asset Allocation Team, based in Toronto. Famous for: Early morning, late night, and weekend coding sessions.  Also, for borrowing everyone’s computer to run model calculations. Of course, they used the term “hijacking” rather than “borrowing.” Current situation: Senior Vice President and Co-Lead of the Multi-Asset Strategies Team at Mackenzie Investments which is a member of IGM Financial Inc. Can’t stop reading about: The ongoing transformation in emerging markets, especially in India, driven by evolutions in globalization, trade, regulation, and geopolitical pressures. Also, the complications of running professional sports in this environment and how the media continues to underestimate the Toronto Raptors. People aren’t paying enough attention to: Global regulatory trends and pressures around privacy and big data. More people should consider how that will impact the economy, as well as national security interests for the leaders in artificial intelligence. Podcast/Long read obsession: I just started the podcast, Hardcore History by Dan Carlin (thanks Jeff, another CPPIB alum).  Also, as a function of our times, The Dose with Dr. Brian Goldman which is one of the many good CBC radio podcasts. 2020 #Goals: Enjoy time with my family.  We have a 4 and a 6-year-old and it’s a great age. The kids get excited about things we take for granted and witnessing that sense of discovery is amazing. Also, looking to adjust my routine and introduce more outdoor exercises. Biking, hiking, canoeing, anything to get a little more sun. Favourite Guiding Principle and why: Partnership, because long-term success can only be achieved with repeated success and partnership is key to not only have success now, but also in the future.
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